Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday Fun

So this is my other new thing.  My intent is to share a little something each Friday that makes me grin, chuckle, or positively roll on the floor.  (I hate those stupid text acronyms so you won't find them here.)  You may not feel the same way, but you'll know a little more about me whether you like it or not. ; )

So I will kick things off with a clip from one of my new favorite shows.  Although, technically, it's an old show but it's new to me.  It's called Corner Gas and comes to us from our friends to the North.  It currently runs on WGN Monday - Thursday at 9:00pm Pacific Time, so I'll let you figure out what time that is for you or just check your local listings.  If you prefer a drier approach to humor you should check it out.  I crack up at almost every episode.  This is supposed to be the first scene ever and I think it gives a good representation of what you can expect.  I hope you like it.  And if not, well there's always next week.

1 comment:

Gayla said...

heather- that made me laugh out loud! seriously. (aren't you glad i didn't say LOL???)