Wednesday, April 30, 2008

You thought I was done?

Are you kidding me? We started at 10:15 in the morning and I believe that when I sat down to eat lunch it was somewhere between 2:00 and 2:30. Milo actually took a nap in the parish hall for about an hour between the baptisms and chrismations. I share that because it means I came home with LOTS of pictures and even more to personally process. There is no way I could possibly share it all. In fact, there was so much to take in that I did exactly what I hoped to avoid and that is the blurring of the events. I actually missed some of the instruction/expanation prior to this portion as I had to run over and wake Milo up and bring him over. We read through some statements of faith -for lack of a better term - and then venerated the icon that has a very specific name and I can't remember it. What you can't see in the picture is the actual icon of Christ that is lying beneath the gospel book. Through the course of the services earlier in the week Christ is hung on the cross and later taken down to lie here in state. What you can see in the photo is one of my favorite icons (so far). The icon of the resurrection. I love that it is not at the tomb, but instead it is what was accomplished through the resurrection -- the conquering of death and redemption of man. Someday when I learn more specifics about this icon I'll share it. For now I will leave it at that lest I misspeak.

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