Friday, 6:00pm - Liturgy of the Presanctified
Saturday, 9:30am - Divine Liturgy followed by work party to get everything cleaned up for the big sha-bang next weekend
5:00pm - Catechuman class
6:00pm - Vigil of the Palms
Sunday, 9:30am - Divine Liturgy (Palm Sunday)
Monday, 6:00pm Vigil
Tuesday, 6:00pm Liturgy of the Presanctified
Wednesday, 7:00pm Vigil and Unction
Thursday, 5:00pm Vesperal Divine Liturgy
7:00pm Vigil
Friday, 2:00pm Vespers of the Burial of Christ; Vigil at the Tomb
7:00pm Vigil
Saturday, 10:15am Baptisms
11:00am Vesperal Divine Liturgy and Chrismations
11:30pm Paschal Vigil
Sunday, Pascha!! The Feast of Feasts!
12:00AM Festal Matins, Divine Liturgy, Banquet
1:00pm Paschal Vespers, Egg hunt, Barbecue
I couldn't really tell you what each of those services is for, but if I can work out a variety of childcare arrangements, I will let you know some time next month. Some may say we go a little over the top this time of year and they may be right. I believe one of our "cradle" orthodox members was once asked why there are so many different things observed not only during Holy Week, but even throughout the entire year. His response was simple. In his thick Slavic accent he replied, "bee-cose, vee don't fordget noe-ting." The resurrection is huge, and that's what all of this is leading to, but ya can't just jump right into it or you will certainly shortchange yourself on it's full impact. There was a lot more going on before it happened. Things Jesus was trying to say and show and get across to these everyday fishermen, tax collectors, prostitutes, and Joe Schmoes like you and me. Throughout Great Lent we commemorate a variety of very specific events from history, all pointing to that glorious event, but this week we do it all. We do our best to walk their road. Not His, but those who were there with Him. We may not know the sound of his human voice, the smell of his hair, or the actual touch of divinity's scarred and calloused skin, but this week we will do the best we are able to re-member ourselves with those who did.
What commitment you have Heather! I admire how you're taking all this in stride and learning as you go. It does seem overwhelming, but it also seems as if you see yourselves as part of something bigger than yourselves and that's always a good thing. I've REALLY enjoyed reading about your journey and all you've shared. Thank you so much.
Heather - great comments. Lent has been incredible but also a real bugger for us. Cannot wait for Pascha. It's almost here.
We are so, so excited for you guys on your upcoming chrismation. I hear Erik's parents are coming to visit you for the big weekend. What is your home address? Would like to send you a little something.
Our e-mail is
God bless.
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