Friday, September 05, 2008

Second Annual . . . .

. . . farewell to summer visit to the zoo on Labor Day. It was actually a very chilly start to the day, but we knew we had to get there early on account of the holiday as well as the fact that this was the first weekend they were allowing the public to see the brand new baby elephant. We opted not to wait in line for an hour for that and instead enjoyed all of the other animals that had much smaller crowds due to afore mentioned pachyderm. Attached are more photos than you probably want to see. Humor me.

The Young zoo at the zoo.


Have I mentioned how much my sun adores dinosaurs?  This  was the last day for this special exhibit.

                                                                                   We figured eating an elephant ear would suffice                                                                                       in lieu of actually seeing the new elephant.

Seriously, aren't they adorable????

And finally, let me just take  a moment and say that never in my life would I have envisioned myself dressed in coordinating clothing and hair (PINK, no less) with my daughter.  Little did I know what joy it would bring me to do something I would never choose just to make her happy.  I have nothing against the shirt or the hair, it's just the matchy thing that is just not my style.  What's even funnier is that Addie rarely wants to "fix" her hair, but when I offered to do ponytails she leapt at the chance to have the ones that look just like Wanda's on Corner Gas.  She cracks me up.

A grand time was had by all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those kids ARE adorable! Their uncle Kirk can't wait to see them again!