Thursday, July 17, 2008

Okay now what do I do

So for whatever reason I came home tonight and decided to finally set up a Facebook profile.  Seems like all the cool kids are doing it, so why not?  I'll tell you why not!  Because I have just whiled away ..... oh good Lord I don't even want to calculate how much time just piddling around searching for "friends".  I have boxes yet to be unpacked, laundry piled up, dirty dishes, and crying babies but here I sit.  Seriously.  And what's worse is that I don't even get the point.  What does one do with all those friends?  Is this some kind of sick contest to see who can amass the most?  Seriously.  I think I may have been born a few .....or maybe 10 or 15 years to early to really fully enjoy this type of thing.  

But hey, if you want another friend on your list you just let me know.  I'm all over it.

1 comment:

cori said...

I thought I was 'up with it' technology wise, being that I have my own blog and know what 'twitter' is...but evidently, I'm not totally cool because I don't have my own facebook account. who knew?

Heather, I guess we can only come across as a certain level of cool for our age. I guess this is what it feels like to get old. :)

We could make the 'semi-cool, semi-tech savy, semi-with it, club'. I would fit in with that perfectly.