Friday, May 09, 2008

Almost forgot the eggs . . .

And finally, after everyone has gone home and gotten a decent amount of sleep (everyone without small children, that is.  I got about 2 1/2 hours) we gather once again in the afternoon for a very casual, very light hearted, very joyous, (and very short by Orthodox standards) vespers service.  This is followed by another 'family' meal, this time hot dogs, sausages and other picnic fare.  I think I enjoy this one even more since everyone is pretty much rested and relaxed after the very long service the night before.  The kids, of course, have their egg hunt, there is music and drink and much, much laughter.

Not sure how many more years Quincy will do this, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts

For some reason, I always seem to be chasing the kids for this hence all of the shots from the rear. : (
Surveying her haul.  This was Addie's best year yet.  We've got candy to last until next year.

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