Sunday, August 26, 2007

When God was handing out taste in feminine literature, I must have gone to pee. . . .

I have a confession to make. I am not proud of it and must admit it makes me feel somewhat incomplete as a woman.

I have never read a Jane Austen novel.

I haven't even seen any of the movies. I tried to once in my mid 20's but honestly I can't even remember which book it was. That's how disinterested I was. I just feel so inadequate and just generally unhip whenever people start talking all Mr. Darcy and Emma and whatnot.

But recently while at our public library, I actually left the children's area and wandered into adult fiction where I stumbled across Miss Jane's portion of the shelf. I thought to myself that perhaps I should give it another go, but I really don't know where to start.

This is where you come in dear readers. I know there aren't many of you, but I do know that you are primarily well read women. Where should a Jane Austen virgin begin? Maybe something without too many characters to keep up with? Should I brush up on English propriety of that era? (See, I don't even know what era she wrote in.) Or have I passed my Jane Austen prime now that I am solidly in my late 30's and rapidly approaching the next decade?

Any and all comments/advice are appreciated.

p.s. I did come home with an Elizabeth Berg tome, so I am not completely hopeless. Just lacking when it comes to the classics.


cori said...

You are not alone Heather, I too, am a Jane Austin virgin. For whatever reason, I never really "got" her. I'm sure now that I'm older I can at least appreciate her style, but I'm right with you, I wouldn't even know where to begin. Good luck. I may test the waters after you - if you have a good experience. :)

thelifeofbrynn said...

It gets me exctied that you might plunge in to my dear Jane. :) I have only read Pride and Prejudice, but Emma is soon on the list. It took me awhile to get into P and P, but when I realized what she is really doing, I became a huge fan. The characters in the book are hilarious in their desire for outward appearances and desire for class and wealth. Ms. Austen was bold in the way that she pointed out the frivolty and ridiculous traditions of her day. And then there's the main character, Elizabeth, with her witty avoidance of all the pomp and circumstance. She actually reminds me a little of you. :) So, go for it! Let me know what you think...but give it at least the first 100 pages or so.

Gayla said...

oh! listen- one thing you need to know before you begin is that Jane is FUNNY. her books are total social commentary, and although she accepts it, she doesn't always approve. so look for her 'digs'- they are written so well that you almost blow them off, but are there if you look for them.

Love Sense and Sensibility, P&P, and Emma is very witty, and those are all good jumping off point. enjoy!!! keep us posted!!! :-)

Steve Hayes said...

You could try Northanger Abbey, though it is a satire on the horror/Gothic novels of the period.

Heather said...

Thanks for the tips. I have not abandoned my plans to at least give Jane another shot. I'm just still a little sleep deprived. Pride and Prejudice awaits right here on my nightstand. Soon, Jane. Soon.