Friday, July 20, 2007

Thank you SSA

Well, thanks to those stellar employees at the Social Security Administration, my new son has a new middle name. For those who may not know, we chose "Jude". The U.S. government, however, felt this would be more appropriate.


Karenkool said...

I just got Caleigh's SS# two days ago--she's 5. They are so amazing at what they do over there at the SS office, aren't they?

JUDO! Hahahahaha!

Come see who won the photo contest, my friend!

Gayla said...

HA!!! That is hilarious, if a bit unfortunate. They got my second son's birthday wrong on his birth certificate. Annoying...

ps- congrats on winning karen's photo contest! did you guys know each other from ORU or just from blogging???