Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's funny 'cause it's true . . .

For those of you without the blessing of daughters, here's a tiny glimpse into what you're missing . . . . 

And lest you be concerned, yes, I love my daughter.  Immensely.  I just wish she would take a breath every now and then.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Ohhh Cannn-tada!

After a year and some months after completing his MATS, 4 PhD rejection letters and lots of wondering about what in the world we were going to do next, Erik has been accepted into a Master's program at St. Paul University . . . . . in Ottawa, Ontario . . . Canada.  Eh?

We are both actually very excited and hopeful about this new possibility although right now it feels quite daunting, moving a family of 5 to another country, not to mention financing the further education.  So we are eating this elephant one bite at a time beginning with financial aid and passport applications.  Let me tell you, it is no easy task getting a 22 month old child to pose properly for a passport photo.  And don't even ask how the 6 year old reacts every time  we so much as look to the north.  Thankfully, Quincy is fairly indifferent.  We are really working the whole "lots of snow to play in" angle without mentioning the actual temperatures or non existence of "snow days" for school.  

As for the grown ups, I am more than a little anxious about finding a brand spanking new job in a largely bilingual city.  Oh, and a place to live too.  Erik is hoping to take a quick trip up there next month to get a better feel for the school, the job and housing markets, and an overall take on the city and whether or not we can really make a go of it.  It is all just  a little overwhelming, but deep inside I am wired for adventure and surprises so it is quite exciting at the same time.

So there ya have the latest word on Young family news.  Hopefully, there will be further updates to come.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get aboot the rest of my day.  ; )

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I'll just sit back now and wait for The Food Network to call

You've seen the pictures in the past, now you get the live experience.  At least until I decide it's too embarrassing and remove it.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

                                                   Eve and Mary 
                                                                by Sr. Grace Remington, ocso

Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Fun

Surely I can at least start posting something once a week to try and make you laugh. This is soooo funny and actually expresses some of the thoughts I've been mulling over for a "much deeper" post that will likely never happen.

Holy Crap!!

I had no idea how long it has been since I last posted anything. Clearly, the blog world has been distraught and just unable to reach me. I've had lots of ideas and thoughts and things I wanted to post, but wow, I guess I just didn't get around to it. So just in case anyone out there still checking in, let me say that I am hopeful that I will return to some level of regularity (with the blogging that is) in the near future. If you're any kind of a regular you know I have commitment issues so don't hold your breath.